All Proceeds Benefit Vasikana Project for Printing and Distribution of the Menstrupedia

The Menstrupedia Comic happened on 4 continents. Watch the Global Launch Video Here:
Zvisinei Dzepasi Mamutse Narrates the Inspiration behind Vasakina Project at The Lamp Storytelling
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Send us questions that your children or grandchildren may be having regarding periods and puberty. Each week we will select two questions to address (you can choose to remain anonymous). Just put your question in the form below, or Email us or send a message via Facebook. Let us know those embarrassing awkward questions you have to navigate and we'll get through this together!
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At the onset of their first period, girls are inundated with bad advice. We are determined to stop this advice from spreading by sharing stories of bad advice. What bad advice were you told? Share it with us. Become a #Mythbuster so another girl never has to believe the myths about her period.
Submit Your Anonymous Questions Here.